Fishing League Worldwide (FLW), the world’s largest tournament-fishing organization, announced today that it has partnered with Kayak Bass Fishing, LLC, (KBF) the nation’s foremost organization supporting kayak bass anglers, to…
When the Yak Gear Fish Stik hit the scene at ICAST 2017 in Orlando, two camps immediately formed. Some folks loved the product. Some folks did not. Most of the…
I fished my first kayak tournament a little over five years ago. While I learned a lot, I made so many mistakes. I’ve also run many tournaments over the years…
The two day KBF Open on Toledo Bend is in the books and a winner has been crowned. Matthew Scotch of Texas, who finished second last year, was the 2016…
When the news that Mike “Ike” Iaconelli was sporting a Hobie Pro Angler 14 released last week, the reactions were mixed. Some thought it was pretty cool. Others thought it…
Kayak Bass Fishing Open Series Events 2016 KBF OPEN – Kentucky Lake – March 17th 2016 KBF OPEN – West Virginia, September 2nd – 3rd 2016 KBF OPEN – Toledo…
Contributed by Richard Penny Tournament fishing and recreational fishing are typically two different mindsets. Kayak Bass Fishing (KBF) has recently introduced an online tournament series which allows these mindsets to…
Chad Hoover is joined by budding country music star, Danica Honeycutt, at the Northeast Alabama Hunting Preserve for some big bass action on their pristine and private lakes. The Knot…
Late spring in North Carolina is a time when you will still find a few river bass on beds, but most are in the post-spawn stage and quickly moving toward…
Although work and family life have limited my spring fishing, there was a recent light at the end of the tunnel – the North Carolina Kayak Fishing Association Battle in the Boro 2012. This…