Here are ten reasons why fishing is better than work and why you should try to get out and go fishing as soon as possible!
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Toggle1. You’re the boss.
You are in charge of your own schedule, so you can decide when it’s time to go fishing. You also have control over where and how you fish, which means no one else is telling you what to do or how to do it.
2. You’re outdoors and on the water.
Fishing is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, sounds of nature, and sights of nature. You can fish at home in your yard or take a short drive down to a nearby lake or river.
There’s nothing like sitting on the shoreline listening to water lap against your boat as you watch ducks swim by or geese fly overhead. The sound of birds chirping in chorus and crickets playing their songs while they’re out enjoying their day adds even more beauty to this already breathtaking experience.
3. There’s no traffic jams, or work place politics – just you and nature.
There’s no traffic jams, or work place politics – just you and nature.
There’s something so relaxing about being out in the wilderness, especially when your only responsibility is to catch fish. You can go fishing whenever you want, on weekends or vacations as long as there’s a lake nearby. You can also go fishing 365 days a year which means it’s always on your mind!
Fishing is an active sport and helps with physical fitness.
Fishing is great for your health because it requires some physical activity if you’re going to reel in a big one! It’s also a great way to stay fit while spending time outdoors with family members or friends – who doesn’t love that?
4. You can fish when you want to (on your days off).
If you’re lucky enough to be in a position where you can take time off, fishing is the perfect solution. You don’t have to wait until that special day rolls around and then put up with crowds of people. Instead, fishing provides an opportunity for endless fun on your terms—anytime of year!
The holidays are especially popular for fishing because everyone is working hard at their jobs and needs a break from all the hustle and bustle. Why not celebrate your birthday by catching some fish? Or take your significant other out on an anniversary date that includes catching some fish together? Fishing gives us the freedom to do what we want without having to worry about our boss or coworkers judging us for being unproductive during business hours.
5. You can go on vacation anytime – fishing season is 365 days a year in some places!
Fishing season is 365 days a year in some places.
You can go fishing in the winter, summer, spring or fall.
6. You don’t have to wear a suit or tie while fishing. In fact, the more casual you are the better!
Fishing is better than work for a number of reasons, but one that stands out is the fact you can wear whatever you want when you go fishing. You don’t have to wear a suit or tie like in the office, in fact, the more casual you are the better!
So what should I wear? Well, that depends on your personal style. If it’s hot outside (or even if it’s not), shorts and flip flops are always great options. For those cooler summer days where shorts aren’t appropriate, jeans and some comfortable shoes will do just fine. If it gets cold during winter months, pants and long sleeves may be necessary to stay warm enough while fishing. No matter what season or weather condition though there’s always an excuse for wearing your favorite fishing shirt! A nice pair of sunglasses for sunny days too because eye protection is important too! One thing doesn’t change no matter what season though – always bring along a hat!
7. It’s very relaxing and restful – no worries about work, or bills, just enjoying life at its fullest!
Fishing is a great way to relax and de-stress. It’s also a great way to get away from work, bills and other financial obligations. There are many days when I wish I could just wake up in the morning, pack up my fishing gear and drive out into the wilderness until dark. It doesn’t always happen that way though – at least not on purpose!
Every once in a while you’ll get lucky enough to have some free time on your hands but if you’re like me then there will never be enough hours in the day for all of your responsibilities (especially during peak season). That’s why fishing is such an amazing hobby; it allows you to escape all of those worries for a few hours at least!
8. It’s a healthy sport that does not cause stress on your body like many other sports do (especially as you get older).
Fishing is a low impact sport that does not put stress on your joints and bones, unlike many other sports.
Fishing involves no running or jumping. You just stand in one place and wait for the fish to bite. It’s perfect for people who find running difficult or painful due to arthritis, injury, or any other reason.
Fishing also involves no heavy lifting (unless you’re moving rocks around). So it’s great for older people who may have problems with their backs or arms from years of lifting heavy objects at work every day!
9. Fishing is a great way to spend time with family and friends and build lifelong memories with them – it’s better than watching TV all day!
Fishing is a great way to spend time with family and friends and build lifelong memories with them – it’s better than watching TV all day!
You can spend time with your family: Fishing is an activity that you can do with your kids, your wife, or even your grandfather. It’s not just about catching fish; it’s about spending some quality time together. If you don’t have children, it can still be a good excuse for the entire family to go somewhere together—maybe even on vacation!
You can make new friends: When you go out for the first time at a local body of water like Lake Lanier in Georgia or Lake Michigan in Michigan (both great places to fish), there are bound to be other people who are also interested in fishing there as well. This means that most likely everyone who goes will know each other by name after one trip together!
10. Fishing is just plain fun!
Fishing is one of those activities that can make you feel like you’re a kid again. If you’ve ever been, then you know what it’s like to relax and go back to your childhood. You don’t have to worry about work or anything else—you’re just enjoying yourself, with some company if possible.
You also don’t need any special equipment or tools to start fishing: all it takes is a rod and reel (or even just a string), some bait (worms, grubs) and maybe even an ice chest full of cold drinks! The best part is that this activity doesn’t require any specific location either; there are an endless number of places where people can go fishing: lakes, rivers, ponds…even oceans! Fishing has no season either—it’s something anyone can enjoy anytime they want.
Whether you’re a professional fisherman, or just an amateur who likes to fish for fun, there are many reasons why fishing is better than work. You get to spend time outdoors, on the water and away from the office. You don’t have to worry about traffic jams or annoying co-workers – just nature! Fishing can also be very relaxing and restful – no worries about bills or stress like other sports cause (especially as you get older). It’s also a great way build lifelong memories with family and friends while having fun at their fullest!