I decided to add the STS – Silent Traction System to the kayak after going out for the first time because I was hitting the kayak with my paddle and just moving around in the kayak seemed to be too loud.
I picked up both the kit and the two large square sections of the STS to rig on my kayak. I decided that the kit would go inside of the cockpit area and I could customize the square pieces for the rest of the kayak. I did notice that after I installed the rudder that sometimes it would slam on the kayak when I would lift it back on the kayak.
Next it was time to move toward the back of the kayak where the rudder sometimes slams into the kayak while lifting it. I laid out the painters tape for the template and cut out a section that I wanted covered. I had to cut out a little hole for the rudder line guide and everything lined up perfectly.
I will be adding more but wanted to get out and fish a little more to see where I will need it. Installation on this product was a breeze and would highly recommend it to anyone that is wanting to dampen the noise in their kayak.