Lots of folks want to claim the top spot in kayak angling. To be the best, to claim it and back it up, you have to beat the champ. Or at least somebody willing to come to your home lake and take you to task. Want to be the best? Beat the best!
Even better than that is you get to set the terms. Go to https://www.facebook.com/ChadHooverBeatdown , “Like” the page and then call Chad Hoover out.
Tell him where you want to fish, what you want to fish for and say what you are willing to give up if you lose. It could be a dare, a charitable donation or something along those lines. If you win, you get Hoover’s gear. Right there. It’s like fishing for pinks. With less risk on your part.
There have been multiple challenges thrown down already so creativity will help get some attention. Will you be one of the Beatdown Challengers picked? Better get to planning!
Chad Hoover, a retired Navy officer, is the larger-than-life personality behind the popular TV and web series Kayak Bassin’ with Chad Hoover and Knot Right Outdoors on NBC Sports; he is also President and Founder of the Kayak Bass Fishing OPEN Series, author of Kayak Bass Fishing and co-owner ofHOOK 1, a leading kayak fishing gear supplier.