Kayak Expedition Seeks Tuna Record in Panama


Hannibal Bank, Panama.

The yellowfin tuna fishing around Coiba Island/ Hannibal Bank Panama is nothing short of incredible. Big Game Kayak Expeditions makes these waters kayak-accessible in a way that is normally impossible. In terms of size (upwards of 300 pounds) and number, you will be at the peak season at the right place. This is the best tuna fishery in the world. The current kayak record for tuna is 187.6 pounds. It was caught in Hawaii. 200 pound tuna are frequently encountered on Hannibal Bank. With any luck, the record will fall.

The Big Game Kayak Expedition, presented by Starkfish Travel, makes one of the world’s most extreme bluewater fisheries available to kayak anglers. With the stated goal of breaking the kayak record for largest tuna ever landed, the Expedition provides 12 anglers with opportunity of a lifetime.

The Expedition will take place from the Pesca Panama Lodge, a floating mothership with a fleet of five center console sportfishing boats, at the height of the yellowfin tuna season. In terms of size (fish upwards of 250 pounds are not uncommon) and abundance, the waters surrounding the Hannibal Bank are perhaps the world’s greatest yellowfin tuna fishery.

The goal of the Big Game Kayak Expedition is twofold: catch the kayak world record yellowfin tuna and document the achievement on film and video. The final result will be distributed throughout kayak and traditional fishing outlets, social and print media, and broadcast electronically. If a participant breaks the record, the Big Game Kayak Expeditions will make sure that the achievement is known around the fishing world.

The Expedition is limited to 12 spots. The trip includes four full days of fishing, two half days of fishing, all meals, domestic transfers within Panama, the kayak and all gear. Cost is $5,500 per person.

For more information, or to reserve your space, please visit: http://www.starkfishllc.com/#!big-game-kayak-expeditions/q3va1
Contact: Elliott Stark Estark@starkfishllc.com 001.216.375.9432 Juan Carlos Andreu AndreuJC@gmail.com 001.281.630.2641

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