Now back to regular programming. Thanks for your patience. The biggest difference in the site is actually the ability to translate from English to a massive list of languages including…
I am making a few changes. At least I hope to. Please check back early next week. Thanks for reading and we hope to see you again Monday if not…
The Hobie Outback is designed from the outset to allow the fitment of Hobie’s own Sailing Kit. I’m certainly not a big fan of sailing, though I really like the…
Every once in awhile you come across a product that looks like it may be the answer you have been looking for. The Hydro Flask is one of those products…
Hi Everyone, Just a quick announcement that all new posts will be automatically feeding to the Payne’s Paddle Fish Facebook page.(Make sure you go by and like the page). You…
Most fishermen can agree that probably one of the most exciting things on the water is “sight casting” to fish that you spot. You would normally associate this with day…
All the recent hoopla in the Chesapeake Bay region of big cow stripers has had me chomping at the bit to get in on the action. Our last trip out to…
The winter season means different things to each person. Winter can mean cold, snow, dismallness, laziness, etc. To some people like myself, it means big appetites for big speckled trout….
As snow grips much or the north, we think forward to the spring and catching bass once again. For some in the far north, this can be as late as…
In my email today I received a notification that I had been awarded the badge you see to the right side of the screen from Here is what they…