Contributed by Padillac Geardo
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ToggleAt a time when the kayak fishing community was focused on a few anglers for cheating, I was focused on the many who were staying true to the sport.
Members and supporters of Kayak Anglers for a Cause (KAFAC) joined an online tournament hosted by Corey Stansifer to support the adoption of my son.
No one questioned why my wife and I wanted to adopt, or why we were adopting a special needs child from outside the USA. They charitably jumped at the chance to support, build camaraderie, and most importantly fish!

In total there were 43 total anglers who competed in the Online Target Challenge raising $1030 to put towards the adoption. A non-profit organization matched that donation making it $2060. The Anglers were not worried about getting accolades or self-promoting, and selflessly helped my family bring our son back to the states.
I am a private guy, heck I don’t even use my real name in social media, but when I finally admitted I had a need, the community was there.
Corey didn’t know me personally, I was just a name that edited his articles for the Kayak Bass Fishing Magazine, but once he identified how KAFAC could help he was all in. He set up the tournament, advertised, judged fish, and delivered prizes all at no benefit to himself.
Sponsors donated prizes in order to increase the support for the tournament. The donation for the adoption would not have been as high if cost was not offset by donations from fine companies like Dez Davis with SuperNova Lights, Donald Corbett with 412 Bait Co., Chris Payne with Kayak Bass Fishing Magazine, and Robert Welker of Line Out Custom Tackle. It takes sponsors to make fund raising tournaments a success, and these gentlemen did not disappoint.
I truly appreciate all the anglers and sponsors who participated. As my wife and I traveled 8325 miles to pick up your son, they were trying to catch 83.25” worth of bass, but it was more than that. They were providing the means for us so to focus on his needs and not finances. As a proud father, I am also proud to be a member of a community that makes a difference.
Kayak fishing is a community in a small pond, and in ponds ripples can turn into waves. I encourage everyone to get out and support whether it is a fundraiser for an adoption or a local clean up there are plenty of chances.
Thanks for all you do and tightlines!
One thought on “Kayak Anglers Raise Funds for Special Adoption”
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I admire your love and courage to take the steps to contribute to make this a better world for that child. I was thrilled to participate in this contest and won’t forget the joy that can come from it. I wish you all the very best and hope that I can partake in many more opportunities like this. Making the world a better place is how I see it.