Striped Bass Habitat – Where to Find Them

Stripers are powerful fish and they enjoy the surf. But this is not a very swift fish nor is it graceful at times as you can often see them swirl conspicuously at the surface or splash in pursuit of baitfish.

During the first two years of their life, they live mostly in small groups. They do not form into schools until at least their third year. However, the rules for schooling are not that simple. Striped Bass that weight thirty or more pounds are more apt to swim alone or with a partner, but seldom in schools. When it is time to migrate, the schools become bigger with larger fish in the pack.

The striped bass are a voracious fish feeding on a wide variety of prey fish including alewife, anchovy and croakers to name a few. Striped bass feeding follows a standard pattern. They gorge on a particular prey, as do most bass, but then after they have gorged themselves, they avoid eating for a while before repeating the pattern again.

In estuarine situations the Striped bass hunt and feed at night as that is when the sea worms come out and are the most plentiful source of food. Night time is the most productive time for striper bass. Most larger striper bass avoid strong sunlight by sinking to the bottom during the day. This is not a feature of just Striped bass either. Most freshwater bass avoid direct sunlight. Places like Cap Code are very effective for catching stripers just after sunrise by trolling.

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