Swag for Shots has been going strong for 3 weeks and it’s about time that we switched it up a little bit. If you’ve already received an entry number for Week 4 or any of the following weeks, you’re good to go.  Winners will still be announced every Sunday and all your entries still count.

But we’ve got a $25 gift card burning a hole in our inventory and we want to give it away, thus Swag for Shots Pt. 2!!

Here are the rules:

  • To enter, you email me (zach.yurchuck@gmail.com) pictures of how you’ve rigged your kayak.  Be sure to include a list of the items used in the email.
  • You can send up to 5 picture per kayak.
  • Every picture you send gets you one entry.
  • Every picture you send that includes a product HOOK 1 carries but has not already been used in a rigging shot in this Facebook album (and hasn’t already been sent in by another contest): https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.350772028275782.90630.208664295819890&type=3  earns you 2 entries!
  • The contest closes on Friday the 17th at 11:59 PM EST or when we reach 100 entries, which ever comes later.
  • A winner will be randomly selected and receive a $25 gift card to HOOK 1!
  • Full contest Terms and Conditions can be found here.

So get those entries in!

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