After a cyclone threatens to derail the trip altogether, the boys have their work cut out for them as they head up river. After receiving permission from the local village chief to fish for the black bass there, the adventurers encounter what they believe to be a local woman placing a curse on them. The curse seems to play out when a local guide brings what appears to be an entire tree’s worth of bananas on board – a definite bad sign for most anglers who subscribe to the superstition bananas are bad luck.Snake bites and a sky full of fruit bats almost convince the guys all hope is lost. Down, but not out, the anglers scrape together everything they’ve got for one last chance at redemption against the Papua New Guinea black bass. Viewers find out whether they came home victorious when Costa’s third episode of season two of GEOBASS premieres July 17 online at http://bit.ly/geobasspng2.
The Papua New Guinea adventure is part of the group’s ongoing around the world quest in search of exotic bass species. Later this year, GEOBASS heads into the last frontiers of Texas for smallies, as well as chasing Red Bass around the Christmas Islands.
“After each of these trips, we have to ask ourselves if the near death experiences, the run ins with the law, battling mosquitos the size of our heads is worth it,” said Brian Jill, GEOBASS angler. “Every single time, the answer is yes. There’s so much out there we still haven’t seen, still haven’t uncovered. Our mission continues until we’ve cracked the code of these exotic bass species around the globe.”
Viewers can catch all of the GEOBASS action, plus behind the scenes commentary with the guys, atwww.costadelmar.com/geobass.